• I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • I know it may sound odd coming from me, the guy who wanted to spoil in his review of Uncharted 4 that [redacted], but I really dislike spoilers. Not only that, my definition for what constitutes a spoiler is a lot broader than it is for most folks. Most people think only plot can be spoiled, while others believe only plot twists can be spoiled.…[Read more]

  • Is this Bandai-Namco's first horror game?

  • Is there a solution? Before publishing a bit of news, each press release has to be examined, vetted and researched. Otherwise the publication will just be a mouthpiece of companies. It's not an issue of r […]

  • The largest game that was made in GameMaker was Hotline Miami (and the sequel). It’s a legitimate professional platform, but it’s not as viable for professionals as Unity or UE.

  • That brings up a good point. People don’t look at just the score and made a decision on the game, but it influences it… especially when a consumer looks at several scores from several trusted sources.

    You look at an upcoming game and have already got an opinion about it based on videos, trailers, previews, your own playing of older games in the…[Read more]

  • The written word is still there. Nobody’s saying taking the written review away.

    At worst, the score is a jumping off point for a deep discussion of the written word. “Didn’t like the score? Then what part of the review did you disagree with?” The score reflects the text anyway.

  • I am livid, but I'm being fair. I'm not mad about Nintendo not announcing Metroid or Super Smash Bros Switch, or any other rumors that let me down. Nintendo couldn't control those rumors. I'm […]

  • One day I’m going to write an article or review where all I say is something is shit. Just those few words.

    The Switch reveal made me think they were finally focused. I expected motion and touch controls, but I thought those features would be relegated to the back end and not really focused on. The reveal trailer was short and to the point;…[Read more]

  • I'm looking forward to Snipperclips of all things.

  • elheber wrote a new post 8 years, 1 month ago

    When the Wii U launched in North America, its short list of 23 day-one titles was a little disappointing. With the upcoming Switch, Nintendo decided to reduce our disappointment by lowering the number of launch […]

  • Ah, shit, I cut out a part about stars at the end that makes the beginning sound really weird. Basically, to me the 5-star scale is similar in my head to the “top half” 10-point scale. The reason is because many 4-star scales in movies and literature use 1-star to mean “mediocre”. Their lowest score is the midpoint, essentially.

    Can’t wait for…[Read more]

  • When a game gets 2<span class=”rendered_qtext”>½</span> stars out of 5, how does that translate to a 10, 20 or 100-point scale? What about if a game gets a letter score C? How does that translate to a numerical score?

    I’m almost sure that I would give a different answer than you.


    To me, a game that earns a C is equivalent to a a…[Read more]

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