#212: Conan

#213: Condemned 2: Bloodshot

#215: Conflict: Denied Ops

#216: Country Dance All-Stars

#217: Crackdown

#218: Crackdown 2

#219: Crash of the Titans

#221: Crash: Mind over Mutant

#222: Create

#223: Crew, The

#224: Crysis 2

#225: Crysis 3

#226: CSI: Deadly Intent

#227: CSI: Fatal Conspiracy

#228: CSI: Hard Evidence

#229: Culdcept Saga

#230: Cursed Crusade, The

#232: Damnation

#233: Dance Central

#234: Dance Central 2

#235: Dance Central 3

#236: Dance Dance Revolution

#240: Dance Masters

#241: Dance Paradise

#242: Dante's Inferno

#243: Dark

#245: Dark Sector

#246: Dark Souls

#247: Dark Souls II

#249: Dark Void

#250: Darkest of Days

#251: Darkness II, The

#252: Darkness, The

#253: Darksiders

#254: Darksiders II

#256: de Blob 2

#257: Dead Island

#258: Dead Island: Riptide

#259: Dead or Alive 4

#260: Dead or Alive 5