#105: PGA European Tour
#107: Pinball Fantasies
#108: Pinball Illusions
#109: Pinball Prelude
#110: Pirates! Gold
#111: Power Drive
#112: Power-Games
#113: Premiere
#114: Prey: An Alien Encounter
#117: Quik the Thunder Rabbit
#118: Reshoot R
#119: Rise of the Robots
#120: Roadkill
#122: Sabre Team
#123: Seek & Destroy
#126: Shadow Fighter
#128: Simon the Sorcerer
#130: Skeleton Krew
#131: Sleepwalker
#133: Soccer Kid
#134: Soccer Superstars
#136: Speris Legacy, The
#137: Spherical Worlds
#138: Star Crusader
#139: Striker
#140: Subwar 2050
#141: Summer Olympix
#142: Super League Manager
#143: Super Methane Bros
#144: Super Putty
#145: Super Skidmarks
#146: Super Stardust
#148: Superfrog
#149: Surf Ninjas
#150: Syndicate
#151: Theme Park
#153: Top Gear 2
#154: Total Carnage
#156: Trolls