PS4 Sold a Staggering 5.9 Million Units Over the Holidays

Jan 10, 18  | posted by Alex (2382)

Playstation continues to dominate as the best selling console

The Sony Interactive Entertainment website has disclosed sale reports for the PS4 showing a staggering 5.9 million units sold over the Xmas holiday.

That adds to the now 73.6 million units sold worldwide. It has also been the best selling console in the UK every year for 5 years now. John Kodera, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment had this to say about the milestone:

“Thanks to the continued support from our fans across the globe, we are honored to announce remarkable sales during the holiday season,” said John Kodera, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment. “PlayStation Network continues to demonstrate spectacular growth, with the number of PlayStation Plus subscribers surpassing 31.5 million, and PS Store recording its largest-ever monthly sales of content in December 2017. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our community and our partners for helping us achieve such phenomenal milestones. We promise our unwavering commitment to bring more amazing experiences to our fans, including exclusive games and innovative network services, as PS4 continues to flourish as the best place to play.”

In addition to the units sold more than 55.9 million PS4 games were sold during the holidays. No figure was given for PSVR but we do know it recently hit its 2 million sale mark. Sony is yet to announce the much anticipated PS5 but with sales reports like these, we can see why Sony might hold off a little longer.

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