Method To Download Konamis PT Demo Discovered.

Dec 17, 15  | posted by xsuicidesn0wmanx (2392)

Users have managed to discover an exploit which will allow Playstation 4 owners who previously had a copy of PT the ability to download the game again.

Silent Hills, even after its cancelation, is clearly one of the most desired video games of all time. Luckily it seems as though a user by the name of ‘orangpelupa’ over at has managed to find a way for users who had previously downloaded the game, and unfortunately deleted it, to re-download the game from the PSN Store. The method involves using a 3rd party proxy program known as Squid as well as another tool to check the proxy IP. It must be noted that Sony prohibits the use of third party apps and sharing, and that by using this method to download PT again could end up in your PSN account, or possibly even your PS4, being locked out. This would also mean you would lose all of your digital content tied to the account.

You can view the full instructions at, a video showing how to perform this exploit is provided as a source below. Do note that this method is also risky, and gamelust is not responsible for any consequences you may face should you try this with your PS4.

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