Fans Noticeably Upset After Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Reveal.

May 5, 16  | posted by xsuicidesn0wmanx (2392)

Latest Call of Duty announcement trailer reveals just how out of touch Activision is with its' fans.

After years of fans begging Activision to return Call of Duty to its’ roots, Modern Warfare will finally be remastered. Unfortunately you won’t be able to buy the game on disc or digitally. Activision has confirmed that Modern Warfare Remastered is only available as a bonus for those who purchase the Legacy, Legacy Pro, or Digital Deluxe editions of the game(source), which has sent long time Call of Duty fans into a rage.

Fans have taken to Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit to express their displeasure over several aspects of the Infinite Warfare reveal. And the official trailer released via YouTube on the official Call of Duty channel is currently taking a beating with nearly twice as many downvotes as upvotes. After 8 million plus views, there are roughly 185,000 upvotes compared to nearly 350,000 downvotes.

While Infinite Warfare will most likely be a fantastic game, it seems like a missed opportunity for both Activision and Infinity Ward. The simple fact is this game barely resembles what is typically considered a Call of Duty game. This would have been the perfect time to release a brand new IP to rival EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront games, without leaning heavily on the Call of Duty brand. Activision could have still released the Modern Warfare Remaster as a stand-alone for the Call of Duty faithful and stand to make a ton of profit from both franchises.

No matter where you look, the majority of fan response seems to be trending fairly negative. Fans have grown weary of the futuristic shooters and have begun begging for a return to World War 2 and Vietnam. Which makes holding Modern Warfare Remastered hostage behind the Call of Duty imposter Infinite Warfare the gaming equivalent of pouring salt into an already festering wound. Yet Call of Duty executive vice president Robert Kostich believes that “from an overall offering, an overall value proposition, I think what we’re giving to the community this year is frankly unprecedented in Call of Duty history.”

Sorry Bob, we disagree.

These most recent developments, coupled with gamers tiring of annualized franchises could lead to a sharp decline in fan support. While this outcry may encourage Activision to change their stance on releasing Modern Warfare Remastered separately, the damage may already be done.

Personally, I would like to try Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and I would love to play Modern Warfare Remastered with my friends again. But I won’t be supporting this game if Activision decides to hold course with this blatant anti-consumer cash grab. What about you?

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