Keanu Reeves Reveals Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date at E3

Jun 10, 19  | posted by C. Anthony Rivera (1025)

The famous film star surprised many audience members with his appearance and news about Cyberpunk 2077.

It was a most excellent reveal at the Xbox E3 conference as the crowd immediately cheered at the title card of CD Projekt Red, the developers behind the universally acclaimed Witcher III: Wild Hunt and the highly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077, as a live-action trailer was played to provide more background about some of the game’s characters and situations that you could get yourself into. After the action-packed trailer was concluded, we were greeted by the soft voice of a scavenger-type male finding you at a dump.

That voice belonged to Keanu Reeves, and he tells you that we “got a city to burn.”


Before we know it, the spotlights are shining on John Wick himself as he steps out onto the E3 stage to uproarious applause. While being super excited about the game he’s involved with, he directed the audience to another quick video showcasing the upcoming title, where he then mentioned the release date for the game.

As the video concluded, fans were finally given what they had been waiting for: Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to all major platforms next year, April 16th, 2020.

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