
BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Tickets Include Rewards

It’s that time of year again when Activision Blizzard host a fan fest for all of their games. The event, aptly titled BlizzCon, will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California for three days. If you can’t make it however, Blizzard are offering virtual tickets.

If you’re unfamiliar with the virtual ticket, it’s an all-access pass to the event. Everyone can watch the main stage, but not everyone will get to see developer interviews and panels, unless they’ve attending.

Alongside this is free loot for most of Blizzard’s catalog. This year, they’re offering up a hefty amount of content:

World of Warcraft

BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Ticket Commemorative Extras | World of Warcraft



BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Ticket Commemorative Extras | Overwatch




Heroes of the Storm


StarCraft II


It should also be noted more content is to be added to this list, as well as a wing cosmetic for Diablo III PC.

This year’s BlizzCon is expected to have new reveals, including more about Overwatch on the Nintendo Switch, World of Wacraft Classic and a followup on the highly controversial Diablo Immortal. Absent from the event will be Destiny 2, which has found a new home on Steam.

The event is also for fans to cosplay as their favorite characters as Blizzard tend to hold contests for the best cosplay. You can watch the event live at 9.30 a.m. PDT on November 1st.

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