
Spring 2016 Updated To-Do List For Gamelust.

This post is for both myself so I don’t forget what tasks lie ahead, and to inform new users of the work being done and features to come. This post will be updated as features are completed and/or new features come to concept.

xsuicidesn0wmanx todo:

Comment/Vote system:

  1. Build ‘balance’ system to keep users from abusing the downvote system. This will be a mathematical calculation based on the users last 20 votes, of which a limit of 10 can be downvotes. In addition the same calculation will be applied to the last 20 votes on articles posted by the same user UNLESS the author has had a minimum of 100 votes and their upvote to downvote ratio is lower than the ratio of votes from the user for that author. i.e. If the author has 30 upvotes and 70 downvotes, the user will be able to downvote up to 14 articles for every 6 upvoted from that author. – Need more traffic for this to become feasible. 
  2. Optimize comment auto-update to turn off when window focus is blurred, set timer to turn off auto-update after 30 seconds of inactivity and turn it back on if the mouse moves or a key is pressed. Have auto update only work for 60 seconds upon page load, and remain inactive while comment field not in view. – Done, inactivity idea dismissed.
  3. Further optimize comment auto-update by switching to long-polling method to reduce server load.
  4. Turn comment auto update off if window does not have focus. – Done.
  5. Update Comments section to handle multiple levels beyond the 3rd. – Done.


  1. Add update to forums to display top posters.
  2. Customize forum display code so forum categories each display separate similar to how each forum displays. – In Progress
  3. Add a square in the forums that shows the latest -or- hottest topics.

Custom Page Templates:

  1. Update Retro page to list all consoles by category with image and short description.
  2. Create games page that accepts console=’xbox’ to display a list of all games on that console.
  3. Add author name to article lists on home page and all 3 list types.
  4. Add ability to rate a game without having to submit a review, store scores as review w/out content so user can add a review later and scores are still the same.
  5. Update Ajax Plugin to update the boxart area of the platform pages ‘on click’ on the A-Z list.
  6. Add Ajax ‘loading’ div to all pages that use the Ajax except the real-time comments. – Done but not enabled.
  7. Add stripe on platform page with “Click to sort A-Z” that reveals hidden letters A – Z for sorting boxart into games that start with the letter clicked.
  8. Limit ‘Recent Reviews’ to 6 on platform page and 4 on game page with link to view all that redirects to the reviews page.
  9. Add missing graphics to review/news.
  10. Update AJAX on home page to use custom loop.
  11. Update trio of ‘list’ pages so that ajax only post-loads content from current month + 7 days.
  12. Create an Archive page for the 3 lists for news older than current month + 7 days
  13. Allow Game to Game post relation to add to empty content area on right side of news & review pages. i.e. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will have links to all previous Call of Duty games on the site.

Author/Profile Pages:

  1. Update custom author page to display user profile. – Needs to be mocked
  2. Add ability for users to link their patreon account to the profile here so users here can help support them financially.

Data Entry:

  1. Connect boxart to game. – On Going
  2. Create custom forms for adding news and reviews t0 provide users with a better, more intuitive GUI when posting new articles.

New Features:

  1. Build ability for users to create ‘channels’ where multiple users can post under a single unified group. Channels will allow multiple users to post on a single article, and increase the chances of being featured on the main feed.- Coming Summer 2016 or earlier.
  2. Build collection features into Games Post type and allow users to track their collections through the site.
  3. Allow user to game post relation to also indicate games that user is currently playing. Display this on their profile page and in forum signature.

Killer todo:

  1. mock up of the secondary informative pages(contact, privacy, terms & conditions), white bg with red boxes opposite of fallback image for BG behind text.
  2. mock in product placement on news review & game pages(for our users, this is not a traditional ad, more like a custom price grabber. we hope to keep advertising as minimal as possible, with no banners of any kind),
  3. mock up PSA 1920×1080 image for deal finder section on home page, this will replace the featured article with a post that lists on-going sales from our affiliates to be updated daily.
  4. mock up author pages.- Post Launch
  5. Mock up responsive stage(s) for articles, reviews, and games.
  6. Mock up Add Article/Review form page.
  7. Clean up new article mock(remove offensive wording).
  8. Mock up full ‘Start Here’ page(mentioned adding in small images before certain blocks of text?)

Collective todo:

  1. Adjust CSS for responsive stages 2-6.
  2. Throwback Thursday gameplay sessions and write-up, possible user interaction where users decide what game we play.
  3. Week in review post on Sundays(maybe build the week in review post during the week in the forums and let users create & submit articles to be featured in that post, great way to build a following.
  4. MST3k style youtube series
  5. Get more writers for the site.

Comments do work, so if anyone thinks of something that can improve the site or has any questions please drop us a line. Feel free to also use the comments below as a place to report any bugs, glitches or annoyances you find while we build the site.

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