
Here It Comes, The Mighty Duster

Mad Max is an interesting game.  It came out around the time the new movie was released on Blu-ray, which btw is amazing.  You definitely have to go see it.  So I bought the game when it first came out, played for a few days and jumped back to other games.  The first few missions didn’t grab my attention.  I didn’t feel like it was a game I’d play or enjoy.  Fast forward 5 months, I finally said fuck it, I should beat this game just to get it off my hard drive.  I beat the next 2-3 missions and all of a sudden, I WAS HOOKED.

For no apparent reason I could not put this game down.  It wasn’t anything special but it kept me going, wanting to play more and more kind of like the rage inside Max, driving him to insanity.  The gameplay is just fun, the fighting is not solid like the Batman games and the driving isn’t very responsive, but again, I found myself having fun.  The fighting is average, you find yourself doing the same executions over and over again.  I loved attacking convoys (a gang of cars patrolling an area), using the harpoon to pull off tires from an enemy’s car or even pull the enemy out.  Throwing an explosive thunderpoon at an enemy car only to watch it flip and explode, was kind of…..beautiful.  The car battles reminded me of Interstate 76, a game I loved growing up.  They aren’t over the top like Twisted Metal, but not too realistic, just feel right.

The graphics are impressive, everything is very detailed, the landscape, characters, cars, etc.  You will be shocked how good this game looks, also pay attention to how Max climbs a ladder, each foot making contact, its beautiful.  With the smooth graphics you’ll always have clunky controls, kind of like the nba 2k series, your guy feels slow and fat, yet he looks good doing it.

The story is basic at best.  Max is just driving around helping people he doesn’t want to, why, cause he’s an idiot.  But where the story fails, the body succeeds.  By body I mean THERE IS SO MUCH SHIT TO DO IN THIS GAME.  Suicidesnowman can attest to this, at one point in the game, your map is filled with icons to the titties.  But its not overwhelming.  Driving to a mission you will easily take detours to clear out a camp, find a new car body, or take down some enemy structures.  Then by the time to get to the mission, 5 hrs have passed in your life, you forgot to take a shit and that all too familiar smell begins to creep in.  Yet you smile, because you had fun.

Wipe, rinse, and repeat.  That’s what Mad Max is at the core.  A game with no heart and a porn star body.  Honestly if you see this game on sale for $20-25, do yourself a favor and pick it up.  You won’t regret it, just don’t expect to 100% it, FUCK THAT SHIT.

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