
Video Game Locations: Red Rocket Truck Stop

Fallout 4 is almost 4 years old – can you believe that? It feels like only yesterday we were leaving the comfort of vault 111 to venture into the unforgiving wasteland of Massachusetts. The game is still being played today (as with almost every Bethesda title) by thousands thanks to its size and the steady of stream of mods being made available for 2015’s gigantic open world action RPG.

Like other Fallout games (which are renowned for their world design), Fallout 4 had some interesting locations, a good portion of which could be converted into settlements. One of these locations was the Red Rocket Truck Stop which has become the subject of today’s VGL.

Aside from serving as the location where you’ll come across arguably the Commonwealth’s goodest boy, the Red Rocket Truck Stop is a gas station located on the outskirts of the settlement of Sanctuary, which is of course the starting area of the game and home to the Lone Wanderer (aka you). It’s a generic gas station, one that imitates the design of one you’ll find on American highways but adds its own Fallout-y spin to it.

No, I’m not just talking about the fact the structure is well on its way to decaying (although it is, as are most buildings in the Commonwealth), I’m talking about the technology that is scattered across the site. For those who were unaware, Fallout 4 takes place in an alternative universe where nuclear power was pivotal to society and 60s fashion never faded out. As a result, the gas station has the look of one found in the 60s but with self-filling, fully automated pumps come complete with robotic arms.

For lore buffs, there’s a lot to uncover here too. The station is one in presumably a chain of gas stops, evident as others can be found scattered across the commonwealth. The site won a Boston Region Trashbuster award for “the greatest year-to-year waste reduction by a single store” after managing to dispose of radioactive material to a high standard. A visit to a cave that lies underneath the store reveals that the employees had been dumping hazardous radioactive waste in the cave instead of properly disposing of it. Don’t cheat kids, especially when you’re competing to win an award.

It’s also worth noting that the name red rocket MIGHT (and I put a huge emphasis on might because it’s unconfirmed) be a nod to the slang term given to a dog’s penis, which would be ironic considering this is where you first encounter Dogmeat. Surely this isn’t what they intended, right?

On the more political side, the fuel prices displayed on the sign demonstrates the hyperinflation that occurred due to the ongoing resource war in the Fallout universe which left a hefty 2800% inflation for fuel prices.

But enough on why, more on the what. The complex is home to some decent tools that help you out big time, especially during the start of the game;  A weapon and armor workbench, a powersuit station and a cooking station are all readily available the moment you arrive. Two giddyup buttercup parts and a selection of bits and bobs can also be found strewn across the area, including a med kit buried next to a support pillar for the roof.

As far as being habitable goes, the inside contains a garage space for all your vehicular needs (if vehicles existed in the commonwealth that is) and a room behind the counter containing a desk and a nifty computer for all your e-mail intruding needs.

I’m not here to rate these locations, but this gas station (as far as gas stations go) is pretty neat. Temptingly close to Sanctuary, it’s a perfect area to stash your loot, keeping it safe from Preston and co’s clutches, nabbing small amounts everytime you head out to collect more, thinking you won’t notice. How about you try helping that settlement without gear Preston?

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