
New Tether-Free VR/AR Device Unveiled by Sulon

Sulon Technologies Inc. recently announced a new all-in-one PC virtual reality/augmented reality headset called the Sulon Q and, if I may say so, it looks like a behemoth.

The Sulon Q will be another contender in the increasingly crowded virtual reality market alongside big name competitors Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR and Microsoft Hololens. What the Sulon Q can boast against most of the competition will be its completely untethered experience. Like the Hololens, the device’s 3D cameras will map the architecture of your room and use that layout to accurately track your movement in 3D space. And unlike the other VR devices, the Sulon Q will render full 110 degree FOV through on-board hardware instead of needing to be connected to a PC or console which does the rendering.

There’s probably one or two fans under those grills.

To do this, the Sulon Q is powered by the AMD FX-8800p processor, the newest and most powerful in AMD’s line of laptop SoC (system-on-chip: it’s like a bunch of processors built into one processor). Built for gaming, it contains a Radeon R7 and two Excavator CPUs, and it isn’t lightweight when it comes to power consumption. That bad boy runs hot at 35W for this configuration and it wouldn’t surprise me if it fiercely chews right through even the heftiest of batteries.

Here’s a concise rundown of the specifications:

Notably missing from these specifications are the dimensions and weight. Without that information and only going off of the pictures, we can estimate the size of a Sulon Q is like opening a cereal box from both ends and holding it up to your eyes to peer through.

Artist’s rendition of professional wrestler Brock Lesnar valiantly enduring the device’s weight.

The Sulon Q appears to be the second iteration of their first prototype, the Sulon Cortex which was first presented in 2014. No price point or release date has been announced.

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