
PSN Name Changes Could Be on the Way.

Had you managed to make it through the snoozefest that was PSX 2017 you may have stuck around for the post show with GameOverGreggy from Kinda Funny Games and Shawn Layden of Sony. Greg didn’t hesitate to ask Shawn when Sony would allow it’s users to change their names on PSN. Laydens response would provide a sense of hope for gamers wanting to finally drop ‘bongripper420’ from their playercard.

Now it appears that this change in policy is gaining steam. Earlier in the week PushSquare reported that Sony has been sending out a survey on PlayStation Network name changes. The purpose of the survey? To gauge whether “gamers are interested in the feature or not.” As if there’s any doubt.

PushSquare indicated that should Sony implement this PSN users would be able to change their name once every 6 months and multiple times overall with no extra fee. The only caveat is if you ever want to change your name back to an older handle, you’ll have to contact customer support.

All we can say is, it’s about damn time. Now allow cross-platform play with Xbox and we’ll have everything we ever wanted out of the service. If you’re looking forward to this feature and have a hilarious bad PSN name be sure to let us know just how retarded your 13 year old self was in the comments below.

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