
Pre-E3 2017 – Playstation

It’s that time of year. Time to break out the decorations and begin the celebration. The eve of our favorite annual holiday is upon us. Whether you are a fan of a particular platform or just love games in general. The Electronics Entertainment Expo has plenty of gifts for gamers of all types. Throughout the week we will be taking a look at each of the three major console manufacturers plus the three individual publishers holding press conferences at the show. Join us as we prepare for the latest peek into the future of our industry at E3 2017.

Next up in our pre-E3 festivities is the Sony PlayStation brand. It’s another year, another Sony conference. Sony keeps telling us all these games are coming. But when? We’ve been waiting for Gran Turismo Sport damn near our entire lives. Year after year Sony announces all the excitement you can handle. Now it’s time to deliver it. Sony has made a habit out of announcing games well before they’re ready. Games like Days Gone, Last of Us 2, Detroit: Become Human, God of War, Spider-man and Death Stranding. Given their recent track record, we won’t be happy unless Sony announces launch dates for at least 5 of these previously announced games.

We’ll be taking a look at the few things we already know, a few things we believe will be shown, as well as a few predictions, including at least one ‘crazy’ prediction from each of us.

What we know:

We don’t know much about Sony’s strategy this year. Much like Microsoft, there have been very few leaks leading up to this years E3. There have been a handful of announcements so far. Unfortunately most of the time pre-e3 announcements exist to tell us what won’t be there. Games like Shenmue 3 and Final Fantasy 7 Re:make are highly unlikely to make an appearance.

Sadly this is also the case for Insomniacs Spider-man game, which was announced by Marvel as a 2017 game, but immediately corrected by Insomniac. Spider-man may show up in some form, but it will most likely not be ready to put a release window on it.

Another game confirmed to be skipping E3 this year would be Death Stranding. Kojima has confirmed that he will be at E3 on June 14th, but will not be showing off the game as the team is busy working on it, meaning no time was set aside to create a demo for the stage.

We do expect to see a few games return for Sony this year. Days Gone from Sony Bend will most likely make a return. We’re expecting a late February/early March release date, but don’t be surprised if they announce the game will come out later this year. Another title highly likely to be on display during this years event is God of War. Although in what form is a question we’ll address a bit later in our predictions section.

The last piece of the puzzle is pure speculation, but should the Xbox Scorpio come out at a well received price point, surely Sony will be prepared to try and undercut any momentum Xbox gains by reducing the price on the PlayStation 4 Pro. Don’t be surprised if this extends to the base model PS4 and possibly even PlayStation VR.

What we ‘think’ we know:

While we don’t have very much concrete information to go by, we do have plenty of information to make a few educated guesses. Sony has announced a ton of games that have yet to materialize, some years in the making. We expect Sony to finally start announcing release dates for these games, starting with Gran Turismo Sport coming out this fall.

We expect a return for several other games previously shown at Sony events, including Detroit: Become Human, Last of Us 2, and the previously mentioned God of War. There have been some rumors floating around that God of War will feature a robust VR mode. This will most likely delay the games release til Fall 2018 at the earliest if true. Should this not be the case, or should a God of War VR title release separately, we wouldn’t be surprised if this game is ready by that late Feb/early March slot we expected Days Gone to launch in. If Days Gone launches in Oct/Nov and God of War in Feb/March it’ll be tough for either competitor to keep up.

We also have an idea what a few of the unannounced titles might be. It has been known for a while now that Sony has been working on a sequel for the PlayStation 4 launch title Knack. We expect Sony to announce Knack 2 with a release date for this fall. The other title we’ve been hearing about is a little more mysterious. In fact, we don’t even have a project name for it. All we know is that it is suspected that Sucker Punch is working on an open world western. No other information exists outside of a couple of leaked concept art from 2 years ago. If the project is real, this is the year Sony will show it off.


When it comes to PlayStation, we’re a bit divided on one of our predictions. We both agree that there is a chance that Sony announces a PlayStation VR Pro this year or next. We can’t agree on how much time Sony will spend talking about PlayStation VR though. xsuicidesn0wmanx believes that Sony will spend too much time, 15-20 minutes minimum, discussing PlayStation VR and it’s future. Killer1022 disagree’s, he’s literally begging Sony to keep the VR talk to less than 10 minutes. Where we both agree is that the accessory simply isn’t quite ready yet, which is where the VR Pro prediction comes from. Sony will need to boost the performance of their VR headset so that any potential system seller isn’t wasted on inferior technology.

In our Xbox article there was a pretty heavy retro theme. Sony has been doing this for a few years now, which means they’re running out of franchises chock full of sentimental value. Aside from pulling Half Life 3 out of their ass, Sony will most likely look back to some of the last remaining flagship titles from yesteryear. The biggest is a return of the SOCOM franchise. Of all the titles Sony has in their portfolio no game has the ability to send their fans into a tizzy quite like SOCOM. If Sony wants to make people forget about Scorpio and the Nintendo Switch, SOCOM has that potential.

Another big title Sony can pull out of their sleeve would be a new Syphon Filter title. It’s been a while since we’ve had a good Syphon Filter and Microsoft may have Splinter Cell as an exclusive. Even if it’s only a timed exclusive, Syphon Filter could easily fill the needs of super spy loving PlayStation fans.

Crazy Predictions:

We’re a bit light on the more absurd predictions for Sony. They really haven’t held back this gen and seem to be targeting every popular franchise from previous gens with a decent amount of sentimental value. Based on this we really won’t be surprised to see any or all of these come true.

With the return of Ratchet & Clank, Crash Bandicoot, and Final Fantasy VII, we feel like it’d be a good time to revisit the Sly Cooper franchise. Out of all the great PlayStation franchises from the PS2 era Sly Cooper seems to have been the odd raccoon out. We think now would be a pretty good time bring back the franchise before it gets too stale. Another franchise we’d like to see that is at risk of being forgotten, Resistance. It’s been a while, and of all the new IPs Sony developed during the PS3 era, Resistance was our favorite. And of course, after the big splash that Sony made by announcing a Crash Bandicoot Trilogy, we wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already begun exploring the idea of a Spyro the Dragon Trilogy.

Finally, after 10 years in development, The Last Guardian hit store shelves and was amazing. We’d like to see the team stick together and bring out a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus.

Let us know in the comments below what your thoughts/predictions are for the PlayStation conference at E3 2017. Be sure to join us on our E3 2017 page during the PlayStation conference on Monday, June 12th at 6PM PST/9PM EST. We’ll be chatting with you guys during each of the conferences starting with Electronic Arts Live @ EA Play this Saturday. A Twitch account is required to chat.



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