
More Prey Content Heading Our Way

There is a Prey DLC or expansion coming. The developers know it, the fans know it, even the Typhon know it and they’re not even real. At least that’s what I tell myself so I can sleep at night. But with a likely E3 reveal right around the corner, now seems like a good time to take everything teased so far and mentally prepare for what horrifying things await us.

With no official release yet, there is very little that we know at this juncture.  What we do know is that this expansion/DLC will be very story heavy.  It very well may be a continuation of the story we already know, or it might be a new story altogether.  Whatever the case may be, the moon is definitely going to play a huge role.

This all really started with a short gif on the Prey Twitter account which ended focused on the moon. The text read “Do we really know what’s out there?” That was all it took to get all those who loved the game (so everyone who played it) excited about what was coming up next.

Then another gif that was also released on the Prey Twitter page showed many images on and around Talos 1 which said “What is TranStar without its people? Don’t worry.  You’ll find out.”  That is both ominous and very exciting all at the same time.  Not like there was an overabundance of people in the main game as it is, but this makes it sound like you will be completely on your own and have to fend for yourself, perhaps on a moon base.  Since the Tweet said TranStar and not Talos, it is very possible that we may be exploring an entirely new environment.

Then, of course, there are the new achievements that appeared on Steam that spell out “If You Believed They Put A Man On The Moon.”  A Lot of DLC have achievements of their own, and it appears that whatever Bethesda is planning with Prey will be no exception.  Right now is it simply another device to use to get the fans excited, but it will also likely mean that there will be new trophies/achievements to torture all the hunters out there. 

Those of you who have played Prey will remember how genuinely great it was.  It was terrifying in that the right places, gave breaks when you needed them and made you so paranoids that damn near every mug got smashed with a wrench.  All of that, plus an intriguing story is what really endeared this game to all who picked up the controller.  So this new content is definitely something to be excited about.  If you have yet it experience this game for yourself, can pick it up on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One today, keeping in mind that the end, will not really be the end. 

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