
Free Games For PS+ Subscribers in March Revealed

Sony has revealed their PlayStation Plus lineup for March. Headlining this month is the dark and challenging Action RPG Bloodborne and the most recent Ratchet and Clank. Other games available in March include:

Legend of Kay, PS3
Mighty No. 9, PS3 (Cross Buy with PS4)
Claire: Extended Cut, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)
Bombing Busters, PS Vita (Cross Buy with PS4)

A Dungeon Defenders II PS+ pack is also avaliable starting 13th March and contains 4 Shadow Costumes, 1 Million in gold, 5 Campaign Shard Packs, 5 Defender Packs, and a Ninja Gato Pet.

PlayStation users can get their hands on these games if they are subscribed to PS+ for $9.99 a month or $59.99 per year.

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